PlasmaChem GmbH

PlasmaChem GmbH is a German SME dedicated to the development, production and sales of nanomaterials and their formulations, medical devices and analytical equipment. PlasmaChem was founded in 1993 in Mainz and moved to Berlin-Adlershof, Germany’s leading science and Technology Park in 2005. The main know-how of the company is related to nanomaterials and their various R&D and technical applications.
In 2005 PlasmaChem launched the world’s first General Catalogue of nano-materials and related products. This catalogue compiles more than 100 different nanomaterials – with already more than 2000 customers worldwide, including leading universities, institutes, and company R&D departments.



PlasmaChem develops applications for its most promising materials and introduces them into industrial markets. Prospective industrial nanopowder products include NanoDiamonds, NanoCeramics, NanoMetals, composite nano-particles, and Quantum dots. Both R&D and industrial products are sold worldwide: 10% in the USA, 60% in the EU and 30% in Asia.
PlasmaChem has a significant network of developers and collaborations in various specific research projects (>10 international joint-research collaborations with the last 10 years). This has allowed us to operate with a small core team and simultaneously keep a high degree of business flexibility served with a wide range of expert capacities and high quality final products.



  • Synthesis of different piezoelectric materials, tuning their size and shape, and upscaling of the best performing products;
  • Participation in nanoparticle functionalization for the optimization of the biosynthetic nanocomposite hydrogels;
  • Exploitation activities and IP protection.