Privacy & Cookies Policy

Legal Notices

In accordance with the Website Guidelines adopted in 2011 by the Minister for Public Administration and Simplification, these legal notices illustrate the general characteristics of the ADMAIORA website contents, procedures for their proper use, related responsibilities and the rules for the use of download materials.

Information on EU funding
The dissemination of results of the project reflects only the ADMAIORA Consortium view and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

All contents of the ADMAIORA portal (text, graphics, audio, movies, source code, software and any other information available in any form) are made available and accessible while expecting the users to take all the necessary precautions to respect the intellectual property rights of the legitimate owners.
The rights on the objects and contents of the portal shall remain the property of their owners and are protected by current copyright legislation. Reproduction of the contents of the portal is only for personal use and for non-commercial purposes and with the prior consent of rights holders, except the contents that may be licensed under creative commons.
The source of the contents of the portal must be cited when they are reproduced.
The personal data included in this website (e.g. email address, telephone number, fax number) may be employed by users only for purposes related to project activities. Using published data for marketing and commercial purposes is forbidden unless previously agreed to by the interested party. Spamming is forbidden as well. Any violations shall be reported to the competent authorities.

Using the website
The ADMAIORA website provides general information regarding its activities and the services it offers. If there are any errors or malfunctions, please contact us at and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
The ADMAIORA project cannot be held in any way responsible for damage of any kind that may be caused directly or indirectly by accessing and using the portal and its related services nor by the use of interactive tools.
Moreover, the ADMAIORA project is in no way responsible for the services employed by users to connect to its Portal.
The ADMAIORA project reserves the right to inhibit or prohibit or suspend access to this website and related services at any time and without notice.

Accessing external linked websites
The ADMAIORA project has no responsibility for the sites that can be accessed from links within its website. Nor is it responsible for the information obtained by users on websites accessible by hyperlink. Any responsibility regarding the content and the use of external websites lies directly with their owners and/or managers.
As far as any social media presence of the ADMAIORA project, please refer to the conditions of service pertaining to copyright, which users are required to know and verify.
Moreover, the ADMAIORA project is not in any way responsible for the connectivity services used by users of the portal to connect to external linked sites and the use of their services.

Downloadable objects, programs and products (for example documentation, software, etc.) available on the portal are protected by current copyright and industrial property legislation. Downloads are only for personal and non-commercial use. The ADMAIORA project urges users to always verify the rights and conditions of use of the available downloadable programs and products and considers itself expressly released from any liability.
The ADMAIORA project does not guarantee the quality, safety and compatibility of the available downloadable programs and products with the systems in use and considers itself free from any liability as regards this matter.


Cookie Policy

The ADMAIORA project website uses cookies, which are short strings of text sent from the website server to the visitors’ browsers and are automatically saved on their PCs for easy navigation and maintaining user status information when accessing reserved areas or language preference information.
Cookies created on a visitor’s computer do not contain any personal identification data and do not compromise his or her privacy or security.

What types of cookies are there?
For the purposes of the provision of the Guarantor of privacy No. 229 of May 8, 2014, there are two main categories: “technical” cookies and “profiling” cookies.

1- Technical cookies are used only to “carry out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network, or as strictly necessary for the provider of a company service, of information explicitly requested by the subscriber or user to provide the service” (see art. 122, paragraph 1, of the Code for the Protection of Personal Data).
They may be divided as follows:

  • session cookies, which guarantee normal navigation and use of the website allowing, for example, authentication and access to restricted areas;
  • analytics cookies, similar to technical cookies where used directly by the website manager to collect information, in aggregate, on the number of users and how they visit the website;
  • function cookies, which allow browsing according to a set of selected criteria (for example, language) in order to improve the service rendered.
  • The use of technical cookies, usually installed by the website owner or manager, does not require the consent of the interested party.

2- Profiling cookies are designed to create user profiles and are used in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences shown while surfing the net. Given the considerable invasiveness in the privacy of users, the European and Italian legislation requires that users be properly informed about their use and express their valid consent.
The use of profiling cookies requires the user’s consent.

The provision of the Guarantor also distinguishes between website manager cookies and “third party” cookies, according to the different operators who install cookies on the user’s terminal, depending on whether it is the manager of the website that the user is visiting (which may be synthetically indicated as “publisher”) or a different website that installs cookies by means of the initial website (so-called “third-parties”).
In this respect, the publisher is on the one hand the data controller of the cookies installed directly, and on the other, a technical intermediary between third parties and users. The publisher, however, is exempt from the obligation to provide information and obtain consent to their installation for cookies installed by “third parties”.

What cookies does the ADMAIORA project website use?
The ADMAIORA project website uses the following types of cookies:

  • session cookies: they are temporary and allow users access to personalized services and to take full advantage of the website’s features.
  • analysis cookies: with the help of Google, they allow the performance of visitors traffic analysis. The information thus gathered has no personal significance as the data are collected and analyzed anonymously. The ADMAIORA project makes specific use of Google Analytics cookies in the manner shown on this page.
  • social cookies: they are supplied directly from the social media domains that the ADMAIORA project website hosts through links to official pages, sharing buttons and links. The use of these buttons involves the exchange of information with these websites, therefore the management of the information and how to eliminate it is regulated by them and the School encourages users to consult the respective privacy policies for each of the websites in question.

How to disable cookies?
By browsing the ADMAIORA project website users implicitly consent to the use of cookies. Browsers generally accept cookies both from our website and third-party websites, as per default settings. Users can however modify the configuration of their browsers and block cookies (opt-out) and choose between unconditional acceptance, displaying a pop-up window that requires explicit user action or refusing cookies without exception.
One must know that if the cookies are blocked, the use of the ADMAIORA project website and of some services may be limited; browsing without tracking will be available in all of its features. The following are links on how to disable cookies for the most popular browsers:

It is possible to disable the cookies of Google Analytics by visiting the Google web page (Google GaOptOut) and downloading the plug-in for the browser used.


Privacy Policy

Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, represented by the Rector, as Data Controller, under the article 13 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation n. 679/2016 and under the Italian Legislative Decree 30 June 2003 (“Privacy Code regarding the protection of personal data”), as modified by the Italian Legislative Decree 101/2018, with regard to the processing of personal data, an on his behalf, the internal authorized processor Professor Leonardo Ricotti, Project Coordinator (e-mail: and other instructed, therefore authorized, researchers of the BioRobotics Institute will process your data.

The Data Controller processes personal data and uses cookies for this website. In this Privacy Statement, we inform you about the purposes for which personal data are processed, how you can exercise your privacy-related rights and provide other information that may be of interest to you.
General visitor data are stored on our website, such as the most requested pages. The purpose of collecting these general visitor data is to optimise the layout of the website for you. The Data Controller uses various tools to make the website function optimally, improve user-friendliness and actively collect feedback from users.
In the login area, the access is permitted only to private accounts assigned by the Data Processor/Data Controller after the registration to the ADMAIORA platform. Specific privacy policy will be applied for the project platform.

As data subjects, you shall have the right to obtain at any time confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning them exist, to be informed of the content and source of such data, to check their accuracy and request integration, updating or rectification, as well as to have the processing of your personal data restricted and any unlawfully processed data erased, made anonymous or blocked.
You shall exercise your rights, submitting your request either to the principal investigator e-mail: or to the Controller Privacy Committee You may also lodge a complaint to «Italian Data Protection Authority».
For further information, please, contact the School «Data Protection Officer», e-mail address: